Resources and information on Emotional Eating

The hidden cost of people pleasing

The hidden cost of people pleasing

People pleasing adds huge stress & overwhelm to your life which often leads to the need for release through emotional eating.

Stop letting the scale control you

Stop letting the scale control you

Does stepping on the scale often cause you loads of emotions that end up in self-sabotage?

How To Stop Resisting Change

How To Stop Resisting Change

This is an important topic that will help you get better results.

How To Supercharge Your Motivation

How To Supercharge Your Motivation

Motivation is a HUGE topic! Yet, it’s actually quite simple. Humans are driven by 2 things only… PAIN & PLEASURE. Everything we do is driven by one of those things or a mix of the two. And just to clarify, pain could be physical but much more likely, emotional discomfort. The big problem is that … How To Supercharge Your Motivation Read More »